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The Nature of Reality |
The MP3 audio download can be purchased through Amazon. Click here to go to the Amazon page where you can listen to sample audio clips and purchase the download.
The Nature of Reality MP3 audio download consists of 9 modules, which present the concepts required to understand the nature of reality in a way that can make real and beneficial changes to your life. The Modules Cover: 1. YOUR LIMITED PERCEPTION OF REALITY The world that seems so solid and separate from you can be shown by quantum physics to be a trick of the senses. The apparent 'materiality' of the world is no more 'real' than a dream image. Incredible as these statements may sound, this first module takes you step by step along a path that explores and explains many astounding concepts, such as: Is there such a thing as a solid object? 2. HOW BELIEFS AFFECT YOUR LIFE Generally, people think the word consciousness refers to something that is a by-product of the brain. Therefore, you may be surprised to learn that science has been unable to provide any convincing evidence to support this widely held belief. There are some beliefs about life which are so ingrained that you may think they are facts about life. This can cause many problems. Understanding how beliefs affect your life will enable you to change those that adversely affect you for more beneficial ones. In this module you learn about the true nature of consciousness and the creative power of 'thought'. The 'placebo effect', as used by the medical profession, provides evidence that beliefs have far-reaching implications that you may not have previously considered. 3. THE TRUE NATURE OF TIME Classical science taught that 'time' was a constant throughout the universe. Einstein proved that 'time' is relative and therefore not a constant. Although experience tells you that 'time' started somewhere in the distant 'past' and continues relentlessly through the 'present' into the 'future', this experience can be shown by quantum physics to be illusory. It can be shown that past, present and future exist simultaneously; incredible as this may sound, it means you can learn to manipulate 'time'. This module explains how to make practical use of this new understanding of 'time'. 4. INSIGHTS INTO REINCARNATION AND DEATH All religious traditions are founded on the existence of two separate realms, the 'spiritual' and the 'physical', and the inevitability of 'death'. In addition, eastern traditions teach about reincarnation and the law of Karma, which are dependent on a sequential progression of time. Quantum physics has forced a complete re-think on the concepts of 'time' and the existence of a solid and separate world. Extrapolating the concepts from the previous 3 modules shows you that the 'classical' view of 'physical' and 'spiritual' can no longer be supported. However, the 'new' view is much more exciting and liberating, particularly with regard to 'death'. 5. THE SOURCE OF ALL 'BEING' Many people 'feel' that there is more to life than just producing the next generation of humanity and trying to do the best they can in their lifetime. The difficulty has been to provide 'scientific evidence' for something that exists beyond time and space. Physicist Alain Aspect and his colleagues were able to confirm a 'transcendent reality' beyond the apparent 'material reality' of space-time. Could this be our true nature and have provided the concept of 'God' found in all spiritual traditions? This module explores the mysterious nature of this 'transcendent reality' which is the source of all 'personal' experiences. 6. THE NATURE OF ILLNESS AND HOW TO STAY WELL Dr. Albert Schweitzer said "Each patient carries his own doctor inside him." The 'placebo effect' is a medically proven phenomenon. Using the findings of the medical profession in conjunction with the findings of quantum physics, this module explores how 'thoughts' play a crucial role in why people become ill. This module provides a radically new understanding of your 'body' that will impact on all areas of your 'health'. Once you understand how you become 'ill', you will be able to adopt a new and natural approach to staying 'well'. 7. THE TRUE NATURE OF DREAMS The philosopher Lao Tzu fell asleep and dreamt he was a butterfly. Upon wakening he asked, "Am I a man who has just been dreaming he was a butterfly? Or a sleeping butterfly now dreaming he is a man?" New insights into consciousness show that this quote is not as fanciful as it might appear. It is unfortunate that many people associate the word 'dream' with the word 'unreal', as this way of thinking sets up barriers to understanding states of consciousness. This module explores the 'dream state of consciousness' in further detail using visual analogies that you can easily relate to. It shows how an understanding of the 'dream state of consciousness' can be put to practical use. 8. THE TRUE NATURE OF WORLD EVENTS Physicist John Wheeler said: "Useful as it is under everyday circumstances to say that the world exists 'out there' independent of us, that view can no longer be upheld." If there is not a world existing 'out there' independent of us, then it begs the question, "What is a world event such as an earthquake involving thousands of people?" The consequences of this require you to reassess everything you thought you knew about yourself and your world and therefore what you think of as 'world events' and 'other people'. This modules provides you with explanations that are unprecedented and astounding, but nonetheless supported by sound scientific discoveries and the most ancient wisdom philosophies. 9. THE MAGICAL APPROACH TO LIVING People have become accustomed to thinking of themselves as just flesh and blood; that they only have logic and intellect to sort their way through the challenges of life. Nothing could be further from the truth. We live in a very exciting time when science is reaching conclusions that support many of the concepts put forward in the ancient wisdom philosophies. Physicist Professor Amit Goswami has stated quite clearly that "Matter, energy and consciousness are the same thing; that everything, including matter, exists in and is manipulated from consciousness." This statement revolutionizes the old ways of thinking and heralds in a new world view. But this new world view can only be brought into effect through a better understanding of the nature of reality. This final module brings together all the concepts explored and explained in the foregoing modules. It offers you a new and 'magical' approach to living in which you are no longer a victim of circumstance, but the active creator of your own experiences.
The MP3 audio download can be purchased through Amazon. Click here to go to the Amazon page where you can listen to sample audio clips and purchase the download.
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